27 June 2016

Learning - #100DayProject - Day 088

What do you love? What is something you are super excited about and can get totally nerdy about? Does anything come to your mind? I know I have a few things. Now, think back to that thing or things, could you spend hours upon hours working on it? Could you get lost in our work? Would your work be amazing or just so-so? Without knowing anything about what you're thinking about (which, I hope you have something that makes you go gaga over!) I bet I know how amazing your project or work would be. If you're anything like me, you may even obsess over it so much that you never feel it is 100% complete and that there is always something better you could do for it. 

Image Source: Pixabay.com
Now, think about your group of students you just said good-bye to (unless they're still in school, in which case, I'm sorry you're still in school at this point in June!) do you think they have something they might be just as nerdy-obsessed with as you? Heck, it may even be the same thing as you. Have you ever asked them about that love, that obsession, that passion? While I don't love the word "passion" I do get why it's used so often, but I still think I prefer obsession. 

Take a minute and think back on some of the assignments your students turned in this year. Were they all amazing? Were they all stellar work? Would you be proud to display them all to your entire school? Not to make assumptions, but I bet your answers to some (or all) of the above questions was No! I know I answered that way. How do we get our students to present better work? Can they do better work? I think we can definitely get our students to do better work, but I think we need to be willing to open up a little and allow them to show us their way of better work. 

I'm not great at this yet, but I have a friend (she's kind of an #EduHero of mine) who is and I'm hoping to steal, I mean, borrow, all of her secrets soon so I can get prepped for next year. Her name is Jacqueline Rose and she's amazing! You should all start following her so you can also learn from her example. She is out of this world great and she does a lot of Periscoping of her class and even takes part in the #PassTheScopeEDU stuff as well every 3rd Thursday of each month. 

Join me as I work to allow more time for students to show me their obsessions/passions and give me some amazing work next year. I'm really looking forward to handing the reins over to them to see just what WE can accomplish instead of it being so much about ME

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