Welcome to my journey into blogging with Ed-Tech Babble. This is a place where I hope to write about all things Education, Technology, and other crazy thoughts I may have that remotely fit into the Educational Technology world. If you happen to enjoy what you read here, please feel free to forward the address on to your friends and colleagues. I will try to respond to any questions and/or comments in a prompt manner, but realize I am first and foremost an educator in the classroom and my initial time and devotion is to the students in my care.
My posting schedule will be as follow, when I feel I have a post with substance ready, I will post it. I am not the kind of person who will post something just because I "should" hold to a regular posting schedule. I will not throw together a post just to have something daily, but will make sure what I am writing is of value and substance
Thanks for reading and welcome along on my journey.