Babbling about two things I love, teaching and technology! Join me as I share my thoughts on both and gain a better understanding of how to more successfully merge the two together.
05 November 2014
House of #EdTech Podcast Guest
I LOVE podcasts, as I have previously discussed here, and consider them to be one of my favorite forms of entertainment as well as professional development, depending on the specific podcast and/or the content of the show. With that said, I have never been on an actual podcast even though I have always had a secret desire to start one myself (one day, but not yet). I have always wanted to guest on one but had never had the opportunity until recently. I was lucky enough to be a guest on the House Of #EdTech podcast episode 22, hosted by my buddy Chris Nesi of It was an absolute pleasure to talk to Chris and share some of my background in education and technology.
I would love for you take a few minutes and listen to this episode (as well as recommend the previous 21 episodes!) and then let me know what you think. House of #EdTech is a podcast I have been listening to since it started almost a year ago and feel that it has been a great help in my own teaching. If you don't listen regularly then you need to change that and start today. Chris releases new episodes every other week so you get two new episodes each month and I personally would love to see him have the time to go weekly, but understand the time commitment that would take. Maybe down the road we'll get a weekly show, but until then I LOVE seeing a new episode appear in my podcatcher of choice, InstaCast.
22 October 2014
iPad Recovery Mode
Image Source: iOS Recovery |
I ended up on an article called "iPad Recovery Mode: Fix a Locked or Stuck-at-Apple-Logo iPad" from the site I had never had to restart an iPad in Recovery Mode and was happy to see it wasn't as difficult as it may sound. Read through the articles if you find yourself in a similar situation, especially after updating to iOS 8 or the more recent iOS 8.1 as my principal did.
One thing to note, it is recommended to have your iPad connected to your computer, but you can also use the "Find My iPhone" app or use to do a remote wipe of the device. Not as fun of an option if you don't have a back-up, but you should be doing that regularly though, right?
28 August 2014
#EdSurge50 Project |
"initiative to publish articles by educators in each of the 50 states and U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, Guam, US Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, and so on) by the end of 2014."I was lucky enough to be chosen to represent Utah and I wrote about the need for continued teaching of handwriting skills in this technology driven society. Part of the inspiration for the article came from my own article Need For Cursive which I posted back in May 2013. I felt very strongly about making sure my students learned and used cursive writing then and I still feel just as strong, if not more so, that they really work on their handwriting skills.
I would love for you to go and read the article on and then if you enjoy it, share it out with your PLN and everyone else! Then feel free to comment on it and let me know your thoughts on the subject of handwriting in this digital age.
09 July 2014
URSA 2014 |
I am so excited to be a part of URSA 2014 as a presenter. I will be presenting two different sessions during three different times, so if you are in the Southern Utah area, stop by today, tomorrow, or Friday for some great educational sessions about how to be a better educator with or without technology, although I prefer with whenever possible! If you aren't able to attend this great conference in person, feel free to attend digitally through the hashtag #URSA14. There will be lots of information to learn, so follow along and join in the learning process.
I will be presenting the following sessions and would love to see you there!
Wednesday, July 9th:
10:10am: 6 Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Be Using - Ed Building, Room 202
- Sched Info:
- Slides (pdf) -
- Handout -
- Dropbox Video -
- LastPass Video -
- Whether you are a techie teacher or a techno-novice, there are a number of online tools available to help you increase your productivity and perfect your computer skills. This session will cover five main technology areas: storage solutions, password management, bookmarking, information gathering and information sharing. Each of the five areas include multiple options to help allow for both flexibility of choice and availability of assortment. The different areas contain multiple tools, including; online flash drives, applications to help you remember your different passwords, the ability to save your Internet bookmarks to multiple web browsers and computers, sharing your bookmarks with others, RSS feeds, blogs, wikis, Twitter, and URL shorteners. Each of the areas contain both free and paid versions of tools allowing everyone the opportunity to use the products regardless of funding and finances.
11:20am: 6 Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Be Using (repeat) - Ed Building, Room 202
- Sched Info:
- See above for a description
1:30pm: Promethean Starter Tips - Ed Building, Room 202
- Sched Info:
- Handout -
- Are you new to the Promethean interactive white board (IWB) system? Do you want to learn how to use it more effectively in your classroom? Are you interested in using a Student Response System (SRS) to assist you in teaching and assessments? If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, this class is for you. This class is designed to help with the basic skills in using and understanding your Promethean IWB system. We will also look at using the ActivExpression SRS "clickers" to assess your students in both summative and formative use cases. Learn where and how to find pre-made "flipcharts" and assessments as well as how to create your own. The Promethean IWB and SRS systems are incredibly useful and this class will help you gain a better understanding of how to make them work for you and your teaching.
If you do come out, please feel free to come and say Hi! I would love to meet you. Happy learning!
19 June 2014
Watch Google Classroom in Action -->
Watch Google Classroom in Action -->
Google is hard at work trying to win over the education market, as is visible with its Google Apps For Education (GAFE) project. Many schools love and use GAFE on a regular basis and with the release of their new Classroom tool, there may be many more schools coming on board soon. Check out the newly released video below to see just what Classroom is all about.
D. Frank Smith:
What do you think about this new tool coming to the GAFE suite? Are you interested in giving it a try? I think it may become a direct competitor to some educational CMSs like Schoology or Canvas. It'll be interesting to see what happens with it all.
via Pam Turley
Google is hard at work trying to win over the education market, as is visible with its Google Apps For Education (GAFE) project. Many schools love and use GAFE on a regular basis and with the release of their new Classroom tool, there may be many more schools coming on board soon. Check out the newly released video below to see just what Classroom is all about.
D. Frank Smith:
The video shows off Classroom's biggest attraction — the assignments workflow, which blends aspects of Docs, Drive and Gmail. Teachers can distribute and collect assignments across a variety of classes without using a single piece of paper. The system also allows teachers to grade assignments and provide immediate feedback.
Applications to preview the app are being accepted now, and Google’s plan is to roll out access to educators before an anticipated global launch in September.
What do you think about this new tool coming to the GAFE suite? Are you interested in giving it a try? I think it may become a direct competitor to some educational CMSs like Schoology or Canvas. It'll be interesting to see what happens with it all.
via Pam Turley
Reaching Every Student, Is it even Possible?
Source: |
Having just read an incredibly thought provoking post by the Nerdy Teacher himself, Nicholas Provenzano I have to wonder, can we really reach every one of our students? Should we worry if we can’t and/or don’t? Are we failures if we can’t and/or don’t?
How many of us feel the same way Nick does here:
I strive to make sure that I reach every student and that every single one of them feel like they are in an environment that support them in learning. For me, 20 Time was the best project for that because it gave the students the power to control what they wanted to explore. How could I fail at giving students the choice to explore their interests? In implementing 20 Time I had to make cuts in the curriculum. I trimmed fat that was not required and cut out assignments that felt were nice, but redundant. By doing this, did I hurt my students for next year?
I understand that the perfect lesson is my white whale. In a class of 90, is it acceptable to have 15 that did not like the lesson at all be the deciding factor as to whether or not I bring a lesson back? How valuable is student feedback. I know it is important, but how much weight should it have in making decisions like this?As educators, we need to make sure we are doing our best to reach every one of our students, but should we really cut out lessons and activities we feel are valuable because a small percentage of our students dislike them? Are we hurting them by making sacrifices, although seemingly beneficial, in the curriculum we are asked to teach? Just how important is student feedback? I know I enjoy receiving it, both positive and negative, and yet, do I always use it to make adjustments?
I think many of us have felt similarly to Nick at the end of the school year. I know I always have a sense of melancholy near the end of the year and especially in the days immediately following the last day of school. Many times I start to question my every move and lesson throughout the year and then I have to stop myself and just let it go, at least for a few days. I have tried to make myself take a couple of days after school has ended and I am checked out for the year to not think about the teaching and learning that occurred in my classroom. I feel like I need to let it simmer and then come back to it after a mental break when I can focus more and truly give the reflection and growth the time it deserves and needs.
As Nick puts it:
Maybe I need some more time removed from these year defining events and think more about what 20 Time, not only meant for my students, but meant for me.We can’t let ourselves get too discouraged at the end of the year, especially if we haven’t let ourselves rest stop and think about what actually happened.
Thanks to Pernille Ripp for pointing me to Nick’s excellent post. It has forced me to do some difficult thinking and reflecting on my school year. But it’s okay because I’ve had some time removed from the classroom this year and have been able to actually make some progress with what need to be done next year.
17 June 2014
CMD+Space Episode 100 -->
CMD+Space Episode 100 -->
As I mentioned earlier on this site, I am a HUGE fan of podcasts and especially any that involve Myke Hurley, the amazing British podcasting personality. Myke recently celebrated the 100th Episode of his interview show CMD+Space on the great 5by5 network. If you enjoy podcasts as an entertainment medium, do yourself a favor and go have a listen. Making the episode even better is the fact that Stephen Hackett of 512 Pixels and one of Myke's cohosts on The Prompt turns the microphone around and interviews Myke.
Congrats to Myke on reaching 100 episodes of CMD+Space and for all his amazing work in the podcasting world. Good luck on hitting 100 more episodes!
(via CMD+Space Episode 100MD+Space Episode 100)
As I mentioned earlier on this site, I am a HUGE fan of podcasts and especially any that involve Myke Hurley, the amazing British podcasting personality. Myke recently celebrated the 100th Episode of his interview show CMD+Space on the great 5by5 network. If you enjoy podcasts as an entertainment medium, do yourself a favor and go have a listen. Making the episode even better is the fact that Stephen Hackett of 512 Pixels and one of Myke's cohosts on The Prompt turns the microphone around and interviews Myke.
Congrats to Myke on reaching 100 episodes of CMD+Space and for all his amazing work in the podcasting world. Good luck on hitting 100 more episodes!
(via CMD+Space Episode 100MD+Space Episode 100)
Making Space on iOS -->
How to Free Up Space on iOS -->
Bradley Chambers writes:
I have to say, my favorite part of the entire article is below:
(via Bradley Chambers on
Bradley Chambers writes:
In 2014, 16 GB is becoming less and less manageable. Apps are getting bigger, we are consuming more media, and we are taking more photos. Time and time again, I've gotten calls and emails asking how to free up space on an iOS device. This is often a complex question. I want to run through some ways that you can deal with this issue if your phone gives you the dreaded out of space alert when you go to take a photo.This is a great write-up answering a question that I get asked very frequently about how to make room for new photos or apps on your iOS device. Bradley has taken the time to detail 7 different steps you can take to make sure your iOS device has sufficient space to function as you want it to. I was amazed at just how quick and easy it is for your iOS device to bulge up like it's was on a months-long vacation.
I have to say, my favorite part of the entire article is below:
Using the above tips should help tide you over till you upgrade your phone again. Next time, move up to a 32 GB device (I am going with a 64 GB).While I am currently using a 32 GB model iPhone 5, I think I may have to try to jump to the 64 GB model if I can swing it with the financial department. Until then, I need to go try a few of these ideas to make sure my iPhone stays lean and mean until this Fall and a possible upgrade.
(via Bradley Chambers on
16 June 2014
Analog Love
There is something very nice about being able to “unplug” from technology and return to nature. One of my family’s favorite traditions is to go up to my in-laws’ cabin and get away for a weekend or two each Summer. We love it so much, we always try for 2-3 visits per year, if not more. Now this isn’t a cabin that is more house-like with all the major amenities like satellite T.V., Internet connectivity, paved roads, etc., this is a rugged cabin where yes there is power and plumbing, but that’s about it. We have to travel up a bumpy dirty trail, I guess it is a road but it’s not frequently graded by the city or county so it feels more trail like, and then we finally arrive to this, a wonderful relaxing break from all things “connected” for the duration of our stay.
One of my favorite parts of coming to the cabin is the chance to truly unplug and not worry about my email, current RSS subscriptions I haven’t had a chance to read, other online planning for events I’m involved with, but take an opportunity to sit back and enjoy some family time. My daughter knows she can’t play iPad, which usually means watching a few episodes of her favorite PBS Kids shows, and she is perfectly fine with it because she gets to explore some awesome nature! We hike, throw rocks in the creek that flows by the cabin, pick wild flowers, and play card games (after little brother goes to bed so he doesn’t try to eat/destroy the cards). We have a blast and I really miss it all once we head back down the mountain to civilization.
The amazing John Spencer recently wrote about something similar on his site Education Rethink about not having an app for that. He mentioned that his family has designated off-screen times and that it forces them to interact with the “real world” and not just the online fun that we create for ourselves. And what is his reason for being so hard on his family and not allowing them the freedom to be creative in a digital manner, “I want them to know that the world is round.” What? Can’t you learn that from Wikipedia or a Google search or looking at online pictures? Yes, all of those things can help one to learn about the world, but here’s an even better way to learn about the world, GO LIVE IN IT! Go explore. Go outside and play.
Source: |
No, not like that. Go outside and play with others and learn what the world “feels” like, what it “smells” like, what it “tastes” like (I do not condone the act of eating things that will either make you sick or kill you, but a little dirt or grass here or there is good for you, right?) enjoy the “real world” and not just through pictures.
John goes on to talk about the fact that his kids play pretend and even get into sibling fights over nothing important, but the typical sibling fights. But one of the absolute best lines in the entire post (you really should go and read the entire thing, after you finish reading this post first, duh) is his last line, “it was augmented reality in a way that you can’t find on a screen.” I love technology and all the amazing things it can do you us and education, but it can’t show us the real-world things of this world better than actually going outside and living can.
With all of this said, I think I want to add a new tag to ETB, Analog, to help us all remember some of the great things in this life that aren’t digital. I love a lot of analog tools, in fact I was recently asked to speak to a group of educators about some of my favorite tools I use on a daily basis and I couldn’t help but talk about my favorite index cards (yes I have a favorite) and one of my favorite pens (yes you read that right, pens as in multiple favorites, I blame Myke and Brad of the Pen Addict Podcast for this one, go listen and you’ll see why). Many of those in attendance seemed a little confused because I was here to talk to them about some of my favorite tools and I am the “tech guy” and yet I’m talking about analog stuff? Yep and I can’t help it. Some of my most used tools are in fact analog and I LOVE it! So I will be taking some time to review and write about some of these items and I hope you’ll be willing to read along and maybe even go out and give them a try, you never know, some of these analog tools may become some of your favorite tools too!
20 March 2014
Philosophy of Education
Source: |
I was recently asked to write down my philosophy of education and it made me think a little about what I believe in with regards to education and my teaching. Like many of you, I have been asked to write (and rewrite) this simple, yet powerful document for different college classes through the years and I have found that there are almost always changes each time. The changes aren't usually anything major, but every time I have revised and rewritten my philosophy of education there has been something to add or take away.
I challenge you to take a few minutes and revisit your philosophy of education from when you were in school and reread it to see if it still makes sense for who you are as an educator. If you feel the need to make some changes go ahead and change it and then re-save it as a new document with the date on it somewhere so you can see what your views were at this point in your career. Once you have the document all updated, place it somewhere you will be able to see it regularly to keep an eye on what you believe, what you feel strongly about. Who knows, it might even be a help to get through those difficult days we all seem to face while teaching those we are entrusted to at school.
I thought I'd share mine as way of having a record, so it is listed below.
student is expected to learn certain things as they pass through a K-12
education system, whether public or private. These certain things are
considered by many to be the “3 R’s”: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. I feel
the world in which we currently live has an additional requirement and it
doesn’t even have an “R” in it, Technology. We live in a digital world where
technology literacy is just as important as language literacy and if our
students pass through 13 years of an education system and they haven’t achieved
a high enough level of technological literacy, then their education system has
failed them.
I also believe that in order for any
relationship to succeed you have to have a level of trust included. As an
educator, I am not here to be friends with the students, but instead am
striving to help them become successful members of society. In order for me to
help push them along, they have to trust that I am working to help them improve
themselves. By creating a learning environment where the students feel safe and
are willing to make mistakes I am most capable of achieving my goal of helping
them succeed. As long as I am able to help them feel safe enough to risk making
mistakes and possibly even failing, I know they will be able to gain a true
love of learning and be more likely to develop a desire to become lifelong
Because I am so desirous to see my
students succeed and become the best possible members of society, I have very
high expectations for all of them. I don't care if they are high-achieving
learners (gifted & talented), lower achieving (special education students),
or on-grade level students, I expect the very best they can do and nothing
less. I will always push them to try to do a little more than they believe is
possible because I want them to realize they are their only limitation in
school and in life.
have a motto in my classroom that states, "Work Hard, Play Hard," and
I do my best to live and teach by it. There is a lot of work that needs to be
done, but we also try to have as much fun as possible because it is important
to keep school and learning enjoyable for the kids. We try to have at least one
fun activity each week to show the students that school isn't just about work
but that we can also have fun. I like to show my kids that there is nothing
wrong with having fun, but that it is important to prioritize and do the most
important things first.
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