It's the eve of my final school day for the 2015-16 school year and I'm finishing grades and report cards. Often times when I work I like to listen to something and tonight it's The Minimalists podcast. As I listen to episode 19 | Mental Clutter, I'm reminded of a phrase of a wise person who I used to listen to often and still read his sites, Patrick Rhone. Pat would always mention a phrase that has stuck with me, although I've yet to really put it into practice, "When you say No to something, you are saying Yes to something else." What a powerful phrase that really hits some deep down truths. And it works in reverse as well, the more we say Yes to things, the more things we are saying No to, even if we don't realize it.
The fellas on The Minimalists podcast were discussing that idea on their show and it made me think, how have I done with saying No more frequently this year? And after thinking on it, I haven't done very well. I need to do better with telling people No more frequently so I can be better focused on the important things in life.
How are you doing with saying No? Do you need to practice it a bit still like me? Let me know how you're doing and maybe leave me some tips and tricks.
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