Wow, what a day Wednesday was! It was so spectacular that I missed my deadline, again. That's alright, here I am, getting it in any way. So why was it so spectacular?
Wednesday was the last day of school for my first year teaching 5th-grade since my time student teaching years ago. I made it through another year and am still standing. But even more than that, I enjoyed the year. I worked with different people on a different team and still had some level of success. Was I enamored with my results of the year? And I'm not talking end-of-year testing at all here because I have NEVER felt those showed me the results of a year! I didn't have the perfect year. I had issues with students, with parents, with colleagues, and yet, the year was still great. I saw students come together and become a family. We worked hard and played hard! We learned a lot and had some struggles to keep it together. But throughout the year, we had fun and that's what I think is important. Will I make changes for next year? Yes. Will I get better acquainted with my content and be able to teach it better? Yes.
As the final bell rang, I was happy and played my traditional Alice Cooper and yet, at the same time, I was sad. I was sad to see these kids go. I was sad to see the end of the year actually come. Sometimes we are so busy that we forget to notice the amazing opportunity and situation we are living. I'm afraid I was a little that way with this school year. I will miss many of my students dearly next year, but I'm also looking forward to the next crop of 5th-graders who will get to join the Larsonlandia family. So here's to the end of a school year and the preparations for the beginning of another one!
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