28 April 2016

Analog Tools - #100DayProject - Day 028

I realize I have already shared one of John Spencer's great Sketchy Video for this #100DayProject, but he's gone and created another one that resonates with me so fully that I have to share it. Don't worry, you'll thank me after watching it.

This one is called Kids Need Vintage Tools and is all about the need to allow kids to use analog tools and NOT just the amazing digital ones. Those long-time readers of ETB will know that the idea of analog tools and taking time to recharge away from digital tools is something I feel very strongly about. Things like taking time at conferences to have discussions, or making room for cursive and handwriting in general. To this day, my most popular post here at ETB is when I wrote about my love of all things analog back in 2014 and the fact that I like going off-grid at times. So, of course, I wold fall in love with this Sketchy Video. I encourage you take some time and watch this excellent video and then, take some time to see if there are ways you can help bring back some analog love to your classroom!

As if the theme of the video wasn't enough, John has infused his sense of humor into the video from the very first line, "I was born in the Ice age," clear to the end. Please watch this video and take it to heart and then share it with everyone you know, especially teachers. Like John, I love all the digital tools, but I still want kids to have a love for analog tools. I hope by the time you finish the Sketchy Video, you too, will be a lover of analog tools for student learning.

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