05 April 2016

Health - #100DayProject - Day 005

Image Source: Pixabay.com
I love Twitter and the opportunity it allows me to connect with others across the globe. I have had many amazing opportunities to learn and grow due to my being on Twitter and I will forever be grateful for them. I also love that it allows me to learn from people who I choose to follow as well as people who I don't follow.
Just today I saw the above tweet by P Ottley-O'Connor, someone who I don't know at all, but was retweeted by Kat Howard, an educator who I do follow. I love that I don't have to know or follow someone to still be able to learn from them and their ideas.

The above tweet has an idea that I have been struggling with and haven't been able to work out a solution to yet. We need to be careful and look after ourselves if we are going to be able to look after others. What a profound statement and yet, how many of us actually take advantage of it and truly look after ourselves? I know it's something I'm desperately lacking and need to find a solution to fast before I totally burn out and can't be effective in my many duties as a husband, father, teacher, and friend.

Thanks Kat for retweeting such an important message that helped me learn today!

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