23 April 2016

Kite Festival - #100DayProject - Day 023

Image Source: My amazing wife Lisa Larson
Today was a pretty good day. We spent time as a family at our local Kite Festival and had a blast! Every year my school district's foundation coordinates a huge festival that is centered on reading and helping to motivate students to read every day. The students are asked to read a certain amount of minutes each day depending on their grade level and if they succeed they are rewarded with their choice of either a kite, a book, or tickets to play in the inflatable activities. Since I have a daughter in 1st grade we have now attended this festival twice for her, but we've been many times for me as well.

The other fun part of the kite festival is that there is a stage where different performing groups can take part and share their talents. My daughter was in one such group and she performed in her first every dance recital. It is her first year taking dance lessons and she has loved it! Thanks to Grandma (my Mom) for helping to make sure she was able to be part of the dance company; one of the best Christmas gifts ever, the opportunity to take part in something and learn a new skill.

Image Source: My amazing wife Lisa Larson

I hope your day was a great one because mine was excellent!

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